Regulation for the referee procedure

1. These Regulations apply to scientific essays and papers sent for publication to the Journal “Italian Papers on Federalism”.

2. All contributions sent for publication to Italian Papers on Federalism are subject to review procedures pursuant to art. 9 of the ANVUR Regulation for the classification of journals in non-bibliometric areas of 20th February 2019 and subsequent amendments, in order to guarantee transparency, autonomy of the reviewers with respect to the organs of the journal and, in general, the absence of conflicts of interest.

3. Once made anonymous, the contributions received by the Journal are sent to the referees, among those previously identified by the organs of the Journal on the basis of a criterion of disciplinary competence.

4. The referees are assigned a term of not less than 15 days for the revision of the contributions. After this deadline, the review can be assigned to another referee.

5. The referees conclude their work by filling in an evaluation form provided by the Editorial Staff, which ends with a concise evaluation (publishable, publishable with revision, non-publishable).

6. If the referees are expressed in the sense of the need for revision, the Author is assigned an appropriate deadline for adapting to the indactions received.

7. Contributions are not published if the referees have expressed themselves in the sense that they are not worthy of publication.

8. The author is notified of the outcome of the evaluations.

9. For all matters not covered by this regulation, the provisions contained in the ANVUR Regulation for the classification of journals in the non-bibliometric areas of 20th February 2019 and subsequent amendments are applicable.

*This regulation applies from the first issue of 2021; previously, the evaluation of the contributions published in the Journal was carried out by the Editor in Chief, assisted by the Scientific and Management Board, and starting from issue no. 2 of 2018 through the referee procedure.